February 15, 2025

When you offer to volunteer it’s up to you how much time you can spare to help out. You won’t be asked to commit to set tasks or set hours – we simply appreciate any support in helping to maintain the garden.

Email whickhamhermitagecg@outlook.com

Helpers need not necessarily be gardeners as support of any kind is welcome:

– giving advice or expertise
– arranging events or raising funds
– providing tools and equipment

Volunteers come from different age groups so you will never be too young or too old.

We depend entirely on public money and generous grants from Gateshead Council, Awards for All, Gateshead Health Action Zone, and many others have paid for the restoration. In addition, donations are made by visitors to the garden and funds are also raised by groups from the community centre.

Supporting Us

Amazon Smile

We’re on Amazon. Delighted to say you can support us without spending an extra penny online! Please select Whickham Hermitage Community Garden when shopping through http://smile.amazon.co.uk. Thank you!


If you shop on-line please consider supporting us by linking through Easyfundraising.  It doesn’t cost you anything and the on-line store makes a donation to the Garden. https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/whcg/